It takes persistence and effort to crate-train a dog. Even if your puppy is eating and sleeping in its cage without incident during the day, staying there at night can occasionally feel like a whole other experience. There are, however, certain techniques that can assist the puppy in falling asleep in the crate at night. Keep reading to learn some effective methods to get your puppy to sleep in a crate.
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How Do I Get My Puppy to Sleep in His Crate at Night?
To begin this training, you will need a crate that is the right size, bedding that is both big enough for your puppy and the crate and comfortable enough that, after he gets used to it, your dog will want to stay there for extended periods. Your puppy may be coaxed into the crate, encouraged to stay within, and rewarded with delectable goodies for good behavior. Here are the instructions for getting your dog to fall asleep in its kennel.
Select a Crate

Place the crate where you intend for your puppy to sleep. Consider where you want your puppy to spend the night. If your puppy, for instance, would feel more at ease in your bedroom, you could wish to put the crate there with the understanding that he will sleep there with you but within the crate.
Make It Comfortable
The crate should be filled with cozy, soft bedding. Make sure to include the plush animal or toy your dog is devoted to as well. Before you even put your dog into the kennel, let him examine it. He could want to circle it, look at it, and possibly even enter it as a new fixture in this space. Do not shut the door on your puppy if he enters while exploring.
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Wear Out Your Puppy

Play with your puppy for a while before putting him in the kennel. Wear him out by going on a run, a stroll, or playing fetch outside. When you return to the crate, you want him to be nicely worn out and ready for a nap.
Offer a Treat
After playing with your puppy until he is exhausted, lead him to the kennel and place a valuable reward inside. Encourage your puppy to settle down and give him a treat while lying down on the cozy blanket you have supplied in the crate.
Sit Outside the Crate

Continue to merely remain outside the crate obstructing his path without shutting the door if your puppy is anxious to get up and go out of it. You can gently touch his ears or cuddle him if he’s having trouble falling asleep, but try to be quiet to promote sleep.
Wait for Your Dog to Sleep
As soon as your puppy is asleep, you can get out of the crate. You can discreetly close the door or simply draw it shut without locking it if you can’t keep an eye on him to avoid waking him. You can give him another reward and softly instruct him to “go to sleep” if he sees you are about to depart.
What Do You Do If Your Puppy Won’t Sleep in His Crate?

The likelihood that your puppy will initially be able to sleep through the night decreases with age. Because dogs don’t want to spoil their sleeping spaces, if your puppy has to go outdoors at night, they will start to scream and complain. The methods listed below will calm your puppy and aid in his ability to go to sleep in his kennel.
Place the Crate Closer
If it looks like your dog has been having trouble falling asleep, separation anxiety may be to blame. He can sleep better if you move the kennel near where you usually are. Your puppy is small and wants to be near you every time. Therefore, placing the crate near you will not let him fear loneliness.
Try a Different Place

It would be preferable to get your puppy to sleep somewhere else if you can’t get him to sleep in the kennel. Giving your puppy exercise, letting them eat, and going potty before you leave them will also assist to increase the likelihood that they will sleep while you are gone.
Get Your Pup to the Washroom
If your puppy refuses to fall asleep in the crate, he/she might need to answer the call of nature. Allow your puppy to go potty or defecate first. Making sure that your puppy has a chance to urinate and defecate before attempting to train them to stay in the crate can also be helpful.
Leave the Door Open

It can be helpful to try leaving the door open if your puppy dislikes being confined to the crate. Puppies frequently decide to enter their crates if the doors are left open.
How Long Does It Take for A Puppy to Get Used to Sleeping in a Crate?
Depending on your dog’s age, temperament, and prior experiences, crate training may take a few days or weeks. When crate training, it’s crucial to keep two things in mind: the crate should always be connected with something enjoyable, and training should be done in a series of incremental increments. Don’t move too quickly.
Should I Force My Puppy to Sleep in a Crate?

If the puppy doesn’t want to sleep inside the kennel, you shouldn’t push him. He won’t be thrilled if we put a boisterous, crazy dog in his kennel. We don’t want the puppy to connect being agitated and angry with the crate. He needs to understand that the box is a place to unwind and sleep. An extremely rambunctious dog is still having trouble calming down. We must assist him in unwinding.
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