A life with a faithful canine companion by your side is a pretty good one. Dogs can bring so much happiness to our existence, but they can also come with their own unique issues. Many dogs’ biggest foe is the dreaded crate. Although necessary, crate training takes some getting used to for your dog. And it could very well be a noisy experience as well. A lot of four-legged fur-friends are not happy about their crate and they show no hesitation in letting that be known. If this sounds familiar, fret not. Pet parents across the globe have dealt with this exact issue – and there is usually a solution. But you must figure out why he’s being mouthy in the first place. If you are asking yourself “Why my dog won’t stop barking in its crate?” – You have come to the right place.
Do not forget to consult with your veterinarian. This is a concern that they probably see often. Take a deep breath – you will get through this and you both will be better for it!
A Problem With the Crate Itself
Before searching for a reason within your dog, make sure that the actual crate is appropriate for him. It needs to be big enough for him to stand, move around, and lie down, but not so big that there is space to accidentally harm himself. Provide a mat, old towel, or blanket (preferably one with your scent), and some of his favorite toys. All dogs are different. Some might need a crate with more visibility, while others are more comfortable being hidden from the outside world. The environment is also key. Your dog’s barking could be due to outside noises. If he hears people talking, car doors slamming, or even kids playing, he just might be reacting to that. Keep the crate in a quiet, not too bright area of the home. Double-check the crate itself before training your dog for their behavioral issues.

The breed of dog could also be a factor. Certain dog breeds tend to bark more than others. Beagles, Labradors, and Chihuahuas are just a few examples.
When it comes to a breed-specific trait, fixing the issue might be a bit more complicated, and take more work, but it is far from impossible. Behavioral or obedience classes can help. As a very last resort, a muzzle will do the trick and could even train him to bark less over time. Be sure that he is not left in a muzzle for long periods as it can inhibit eating and drinking.
Medical Condition

A variety of medical issues could also cause incessant dog barking. Chronic pain, excitability, and agitation are all causes but one of the most common medical causes of crate barking is separation anxiety. When a dog is afflicted with this disorder, he experiences fear and anxiousness when separated from his owners. This can be magnified when being kept in a confined space, such as a kennel or crate. Not only can this result in constant howling and/or barking, but dogs with separation anxiety can also be quite destructive. Therapy and certain medications can be used to treat the disorder.
In Need of Proper Training

Your dog’s constant barking while confined in his crate, could quite simply be down to him not knowing any better. Dogs use howling and barking to express whatever it is that they need to say. If your pup does not understand his kennel, he is likely going to try to tell you so. The best way to rectify this situation is by getting your dog more comfortable with, and in, his crate. Train him to see it as his ‘safe space’. Leave the door opened while you’re home so that he can enter it without being actually confined in it.
What Not to Do

- Jumping straight to restraint- Try to figure out what is causing the barking before placing a muzzle on the dog. Depending on the reason for the barking, a muzzle may just stress him out more and could also pose a safety risk.
- Avoid yelling/getting angry- Dogs react to our reactions. Sensing that you are angry or upset, or if you are yelling at him – it could have the opposite effect, making him even more vocal.
- Stay away from No-Bark Collars- These collars shock the dog when he barks or howls. That should work, right? Yea. Not really. This is likely going to stress the dog, possibly even causing him to panic. Plus, ouch. Would you want a painful shock anytime you tried to express yourself?
- Don’t give up on him- It is proven that dogs are affected when abandoned or are separated from their owners. Giving up on him will only exasperate the problem at hand, and nobody wants that. There is a solution, you just have to find the right one!
Incessant barking can be frustrating – no argument there. And it can sometimes feel like it is your dog versus your sanity. However, all hope is not lost. There are ways to solve the crate-barking issue in a way that makes everyone happy. The first step is to attempt to determine why he barks constantly in the crate, and then make a plan to fix the issue from there.
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