Killing fleas in your rugs & carpetsis not a difficult task to perform. It just takes a little time and minimal effort to get done. One method is just using your vacuum cleaner. That appliance can suck up eggs, larvae, and adult fleas.
However, it does not kill them all. You would have to toss the vacuum bag out right away to keep the ones left alive from infesting your home again. Keep reading to find a sure-fire way of killing all the fleas, eggs, and larvae in your carpets and rugs.
How Long Should I Leave Baking Soda on My Carpet to Kill Fleas?
There are different time frames given by different people. Some say to leave the product in the carpets for a few hours. Others say you should leave it for 12 hours. Still, more experts say you should leave it for 24 hours.
The last time frame is the best one. That 24-hour period gives the baking soda a lot of time to kill all the fleas, eggs, and larvae hiding in your rugs and carpets.
There is nothing wrong with leaving the baking soda there for that long. This product does not harm your carpets or rugs and it will deodorize them. Of course, the more you use the shorter the time frame you have to wait.
Once you have waited that length of time, use your vacuum cleaner to get rid of all the dead fleas, etc. There is no sense leaving them there. You want a clean carpet for you and your family, including your pets. After all, your dog may lie on those carpets again. There is just no reason to let them lay on a dirty rug, etc.
How to Get Rid of Fleas in the House Fast with Baking Soda

Generally, using baking soda requires a lot of patience. It is not a quick working product when it comes to fleas. But there is a way to speed up the process. Just use a lot of baking soda on your carpets and rugs.
The more you use, the faster those fleas, eggs, and larvae will dehydrate. Then because baking soda contains no harsh chemicals, your carpets and rugs will not be damaged when you use it a lot. They will just smell fresher, which is always a good thing.
No matter how much baking soda you use, you still have to vacuum those carpets and rugs. You do not want to spread those dead bodies or the baking soda all over your house when someone walks on them.
Baking Sodas Can Use Help

If you want to speed up the process and make the product work faster, you can always mix in some other ingredients to help it do its job. There are other natural products you can mix in to make this ingredient more powerful.
1. Salt– Equal amounts of both products will make this a powerful anti-flea product. The salt just adds more strength to the baking soda and helps kill all the fleas. You will still need to leave it on your carpet for up to 24 hours, but it is thorough and effective.
2. Vinegar & Water– These two ingredients added to baking soda make sure those fleas do not stand a chance. All you will need will be 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of vinegar, and mix well. You can mix it in a sprinkle bottle or a spray bottle.
It is your choice. Like the salt option, be generous to make sure you kill all the fleas, etc.
A Word of Warning

When you use baking soda and these other ingredients, do not let your dog eat or drink any of them. They can be harmful to your pet’s health if they ingest too much. It might be best to move the rugs to a room and shut the door, so your pets do not lay on them.
These may be natural products but too much of these healthy items can still be dangerous to dogs. Just make sure to monitor your pets during this time so they do not get in harm’s way.
Some Final Words

Killing fleas with baking soda is not a hard task to do. The hard part is keeping your dog away until you clean the product up. Take your time and find a good place for your pet as you work to protect him or her from fleas.
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