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Can Dogs Get Parvo in the Winter?

Labrador retriever puppy getting vaccinated on white background.

Dogs can get parvo in the winter because the virus that causes the disease can live for several months in any climate. However, it is less stable in extremely cold temperatures and the chances of exposure decrease in the winter. Keep reading to know when dogs get parvo in the winter and learn about the treatment of this disease.

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What Time of Year Do Dogs Get Parvo?

Dogs can contract parvo at any time of the year. Although the warmer months from spring through early fall are when the virus is most frequently observed. This is because the virus is more stable in warmer temperatures and can live longer in the environment. Also, dogs are more prone to spend time outside during these months and may come in contact with polluted surfaces or excrement.

It is crucial to remember that parvo can still present a risk during the winter months. It can stay in the environment for months and spread through contact with diseased animals or contaminated materials.

Can Dogs Get Parvo from The Cold?

Sick Beagle Puppy is lying on dog bed on the floor.

Dogs cannot contract parvo only from the cold. Direct contact with sick dogs or things like excrement, food, drink, or bedding can spread the extremely infectious parvovirus. Regardless of temperature, the virus may endure for months in the environment. It is true that cooler temperatures may cause the virus to become less stable and allow it to remain on surfaces for a shorter duration.

However, it’s also important to keep in mind that dogs’ immune systems may be compromised in cold weather. This makes them more vulnerable to sickness. Hence, even if the cold weather cannot induce parvo, you should still take preventative measures to safeguard your dog.

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How Common Is Parvo in The Winter?

Many elements, including geographic location, local climate, and vaccination rates, may influence the frequency of parvo in the winter. Although it might be less prevalent in the winter, parvo can happen at any time of the year and is always a danger. The parvovirus may last months in the environment, even in low conditions, and is extremely infectious. It’s critical to seek veterinarian care right away if you think your dog could have parvo since prompt treatment can significantly increase the likelihood of recovery.

How Can You Tell If a Dog Has Parvo?

Jack Russell dog sleeping in bed with high fever temperature, ice bag on head, thermometer in mouth, covered by a blanket.

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Not all canines will exhibit the same symptoms or have the same degrees of sickness due to parvovirus. The following are a few typical parvo symptoms in canines.

  • Vomiting and diarrhea – often with blood
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy and weakness
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rapid weight loss
  • High heart rate
  • difficulty breathing

How to Treat Parvo in Dogs?

There are a few various approaches that may be used to treat canine parvo. The most suitable one depends on the disease’s severity and the particular requirements of the dog. Some of the methods that can be used to treat canine parvo are discussed below.


A Veterinarian examines a Labrador puppy's eye during a medical checkup.

The use of medications can be crucial in the management of canine parvo. Some common symptoms of this condition include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and discomfort. It’s crucial to remember that although drugs can aid in managing parvo symptoms, they cannot treat the illness. A thorough treatment regimen may be required to increase the dog’s chances of recovery from parvo. For the accurate diagnosis and treatment of parvo, veterinary attention is necessary.

Fluid Therapy

Siberian husky put his head between his paws, lying on the table with an intravenous infusion drip in his paw.

Due to the extreme dehydration that parvo can cause owing to vomiting and diarrhea, fluid treatment is a crucial component of treating parvo in dogs. Intravenous (IV) fluids are administered as part of fluid therapy to treat dehydration and preserve electrolyte balance. Intravenous fluids can help remove the virus from the body and enhance the dog’s general health in addition to assisting with dehydration.

Fluid therapy may occasionally be the sole therapy needed for canines with moderate parvo. But, in more severe circumstances, additional therapies such as prescription drugs, dietary assistance, and blood transfusions could be required.

Nutritional Support

To effectively treat canine parvo, nutritional supplementation is crucial. Dehydration and malnutrition can result from the severe vomiting and diarrhea brought on by parvo.

The intensity of parvo symptoms, like vomiting and diarrhea, can be lessened with good nutritional support, which also helps to avoid malnutrition and dehydration. Providing readily digested meals in small, regular servings might be helpful, and in some circumstances, specialized diets can be required.

Blood Transfusion

Dog doing blood transfusion.

Dogs with severe cases of parvo may require blood transfusions as part of their therapy. Anemia and severe dehydration brought on by parvo can result in a reduction in red blood cells and the flow of oxygen to essential organs. Red blood cell replacement and improved oxygen delivery to the body’s tissues are two benefits of blood transfusions.

To lower the danger of problems such as transfusion responses and the spread of infectious illnesses, rigorous screening of donors and recipients is required. Blood transfusions are not without risk. Only a licensed veterinarian with the proper monitoring and supportive care should do blood transfusions.


The veterinarian listens to the dog with a stethoscope.

In severe cases of parvo, hospitalization may be necessary to provide intensive care and monitoring. It will also isolate the dog to prevent the spread of the disease. Hospitalization can provide 24-hour care and surveillance, which is critical for dogs with parvo. This is because they can deteriorate quickly and require emergency medical intervention.

Veterinarians may closely monitor the dog’s fluid and electrolyte levels, give medicines, offer nutritional support, and treat any issues that emerge in the hospital environment.

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