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How to Treat Dog Anus Bleeding?

Hind view of a tan dog outdoors

It is pretty scary, especially for novice owners, when your dog is bleeding from the butt. The dog will exhibit several signs of discomfort and you must react quickly (but calmly) to find a solution. Depending upon the underlying cause and symptoms, your pooch will require IV fluids, anti-nausea medications, and antibiotics. Keep reading to know more about the causes and some ways to treat dog anus bleeding.

NOTE: It’s highly recommended to take your pooch to a vet if you are unsure about his/her health.

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Causes of Dog Anus Bleeding

Rectal bleeding in dogs can happen for several different reasons and it’s imperative to determine the right cause. This is because it is a very serious condition and timely diagnosis is crucial for the treatment. Let’s discuss some of the major causes that can make your pup bleed from its rear end.

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

A hemorrhage anywhere in the digestive system will result in rectal bleeding. That’s the reason why a large number of anal bleeding cases are attributed to this case. Several factors, including bacterial infections and parasites, are responsible for Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis. Similarly, too much stress makes a dog more vulnerable to this problem.

In this condition, blood is often mixed with stool and the difference in texture and color helps with the diagnosis. If the blood is bright red, it is likely coming from the lower colon, anus, or rectum. On the other hand, blackish blood in the stool refers to a hemorrhage in the upper colon.

Anal Glands Inflammation and Infection

Chihuahua having its anal glands expressed

Dogs have a tiny, scent gland on either side of their anus and they are expressed when your pooch defecates. They contain a fluid that must be released regularly to keep your pup healthy. Sometimes, these glands get inflamed and are unable to express themselves. Hence, the fluid keeps accumulating and it can lead to an infection (and abscess which will bleed).  

Scooting is the most common symptom of anal gland troubles. Your dog will also lick or even bite the affected area in an attempt to ease the irritation.  


Food allergies are the biggest cause of this condition. Some dogs are allergic to certain foods and eating those items can result in the inflammation of the colon. This will result in bleeding from your pup’s anus and he/she may appear lethargic due to loss of energy. Lactose-intolerant dogs are very much vulnerable to this condition and should be kept away from milk and dairy products.  

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Pug outdoors trying to go poop

The hard stools are difficult to eliminate and can cause bleeding from your dog’s anus. In this case, the blood originates from the rectum area as the pup is trying to defecate. The amount of blood lost in case of constipation is usually on the lower side in comparison to other causes. Feeding a balanced diet and providing sufficient drinking water is vital for preventing constipation.

How to Treat Dog Anus Bleeding?

Although anal bleeding can be frightening at the first sight, it is usually not that dangerous and can be treated. However, it’s important to observe your dog and find the right cause. In most cases, veterinary help will be needed but owners can provide first aid for rectal bleeding in dogs. Here’s how to do it.

Check the Vital Signs

Tan dog on its back at the vet while the vet listens to its heart

Checking the heartbeat and pulse of your pooch is a normal procedure and it must be done before treating dog anus bleeding. It is also important to know the normal heart rate of your canine friend to determine if anything’s wrong.

Small breeds have a heart rate of 100-160 beats per minute. It decreases to 80-120 beats per minute for medium and large dogs. In case of any discrepancy, you must take your dog to the vet right away.

Examine the Anal Region  

Close up of a dog's butt

If your dog looks fine, it’s time to have a look at his/her anal area. In case of constipation, you are quite likely to find remains of hard stool and blood. Similarly, you can locate a foreign object that could be causing the hindrance. It’s not advisable to go too deep in an attempt to remove the object because it can cause more harm than good.

It is also the right time to have a look at the anal glands. If they are infected, you can notice them very easily because they are swollen. You can also find parasites and tumors in the anal region of your pooch. 

Observe Caution

portrait of a pair of hands holding the head of a border collie

It’s highly recommended to approach your pooch slowly and avoid making eye contact.  This is because a dog in pain can be dangerous, even for its owner. Therefore, you should progress slowly and speak in a very soft tone. You should go ahead and make all the observations only once your dog is comfortable with your presence.

Determine the Source of the Bleeding

The color of the blood (from your dog’s rear end) tells a lot more than what most people think. The bright red color of the blood shows that it is coming from close vicinity. This means that the lower colon or rectum is affected. Alternatively, black-colored blood refers to an injury or problem to the upper colon.

Take Your Dog to the Vet

Yellow lab and owner at the vet, owners hand on dogs head.

If the bleeding from your dog’s anus doesn’t stop in a day or so, it’s time to visit your vet. Likewise, a veterinary visit becomes necessary if the bleeding is heavy and continuous. The vet will check your pooch thoroughly to diagnose the underlying problem before suggesting a solution. In most cases, IV fluids or antibiotics are used to control the situation. In extreme cases, your dog may need to be hospitalized for some days.   

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