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Can Pugs Eat Oranges?

Pug against a blue background looking up at a fake orange slice hanging from a string

Yes, as long as you give your dog only the fleshy portion and in moderation, this fruit is safe for them to consume. Oranges’ vitamins and minerals might help boost your dog’s immune system. Oranges can also benefit senior dogs lacking in vitamin C. Never give your dog the peel or the white film (pith) in the flesh of an orange. Keep reading to know how much oranges can pugs eat and learn what they will do to your dog.

Why do pug tails curl? Click here to find out.

How Many Oranges Can a Pug Have?

Oranges should only make up a small portion of a pug’s daily or weekly calorie intake, not a whole meal, and should not exceed 10% of that amount. Pugs should only eat one orange fruit at a time since eating more might upset their stomachs. Instead, include snacks, appetizers, or rewards in your pug’s feeding or training schedule.

Typically, veterinarians advise giving tiny dogs one segment, medium-sized dogs two or three, and large dogs half an orange. But occasionally, large, energetic pugs may even receive a full, peeled orange.

A large pug shouldn’t be given a whole orange every day due to the orange’s high sugar level, which may be unhealthy. Pugs that overindulge in orange treats may have stomach aches and digestive problems. But since vitamin C is water soluble, the pug’s body may eliminate large amounts of it.

What are the Benefits of Oranges for Pugs?

Oranges in a bowl and on a wooden table with some of them cut in half

They are a good source of antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and folate, all of which have several positive health effects. Oranges can also benefit senior dogs that are lacking in vitamin C. Dogs can naturally create their own vitamin C, but as they become older, their bodies don’t do it as well.

Oranges can help pugs maintain a strong immune system. Pugs may fight anorexia with oranges. Oranges’ high fiber content aids in pugs’ digestion. Oranges can help pugs maintain good vision. In pugs, oranges contain anti-inflammatory properties. Oranges’ fiber content can assist pugs who are experiencing constipation.

What Foods are Toxic to Pugs? Click here to learn more.

Can Oranges Get Dogs Sick?

Cut and whole oranges on a wooden table with trees and bushes blurred in the background

Yes, oranges can hurt a dog’s health, though not necessarily illnesses. Some of the biggest troubles oranges can cause are discussed below.

GI Issues

Orange treats that might increase stomach sensitivity shouldn’t be given to dogs who are sick with gastroenteritis or other GI issues until they are well. Due to oranges’ strong acidity, dogs with delicate gastrointestinal systems may experience stomach issues.

If you overfeed your pug ripe oranges, his blood sugar levels can spike. Orange overconsumption in pugs may cause intestinal issues. A pug may develop acid reflux if it consumes too many oranges. Excessively ripe oranges may cause gastric issues in pugs. Your pug pups will likely have diarrhea if you overfeed them. If your pug consumes excessive oranges, you should prepare for nausea and upset stomach.


Pug in a head cone sitting on the ground outdoors

Oranges seldom cause allergic responses in dogs, although they do happen sometimes. The dog owner should cease giving the dog oranges right once if that occurs since severe allergies can result in anaphylaxis and even death. Anaphylaxis may result from hives, edema, and breathing problems.


Orange slices with seeds or peels that are still attached might be a choking danger. Additionally, they can clog the GI tract by becoming trapped in any location.

Problems to Young Puppies

Puppies should not be given oranges to chew on since they are developing teeth and gums. Orange peels should not be given to pets who are 8 weeks of age or younger because the calcium in the peel may seep into their systems since tiny babies lack sufficient stomach acids to break down plant-based diets. Therefore, it is advisable to wait until puppies are older since the acidic diet also lacks vitamin C (along with other minerals).

Can Pugs Eat Orange Peels?

Curl of orange peel resting on a wooden table.

Orange peels are edible for pugs. The size of their pug should be taken into account when selecting how much to feed them, as well as how much food in general or substances that are not advised for your pet they may play with. Contrary to common belief, pugs may safely ingest orange peels. Typically, it is advised against giving pets citrus-flavored vitamin C supplements since they contain bitter tannins that, if consumed in excessive quantities by your pet, might result in kidney stones.

Orange peels for pugs are healthy for them. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is crucial for dogs. Additionally, it has antioxidants and fiber that promote your pug’s health. There are no negative effects or toxicities associated with adding orange peel to your pug’s food. Just be careful not to feed your pug too much of it since it may irritate its tummy. However, organic oranges and other fruit juices have some elements that dog owners should be aware of since they may make your pug ill without your knowledge.

Potassium citrate, abundant in orange peels, is beneficial to pugs, lowers blood pressure, stabilizes cell metabolism, and balances pH levels in the body by fending off both too little and too much acidity. They can be utilized up to the time that your pug starts eating healthier treats. The majority of veterinarians advise substituting them for high-calorie snacks that include sugar alcohols like xylitol as a healthy alternative.

The best course of action when using citrus components in dog food is to speak with your veterinarian. Citrus peel can also make you throw up, have diarrhea, or both since it is difficult to digest if consumed too much. That can be a result of its acidic composition, which might harm your pet’s digestive tract.

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