Yes, they do shed a lot. They have a double coat that is thick and sheds all year. They produce almost the same quantity of fur as their relatives, the Alaskan Malamute and an Akita. Keep reading to know why Huskies shed a lot and learn how you can manage the shedding for this breed.
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Why Huskies Shed?
The following triggers can cause your Siberian Husky to shed a lot of hair.
Seasonal Shedding

Your Husky will shed more throughout the spring and winter than any other two. The expression “blow the coat” is applicable in this situation. The coat blows off the skin, hence the name. Because they are “blowing their coat,” you can see a lot of very patchy-looking Huskies spreading over social media at this point.
His heavy winter coat will be shed in the spring to create room for the summer undercoat, that will keep him cooler. Similar to how the summer coat will give way to the extra-thick winter undercoat in the winter. preparing him for a snowy layout while keeping his human pack warm.
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Microbial Infestation

If your Husky is shedding patches during the shedding season, something is wrong. If your husky has a lot of itching and itchy, dry skin, it might be a parasite infestation of some kind. Mites, fleas, or even an allergic response to something he has come into touch with, such as grass, new food, or a chemical.
Stress is another area of your pup’s life that might be a super-shed trigger. Dogs are extremely sensitive to environmental changes and will feed on negative energy. If you see your dog’s hair falling out at an alarming pace for no apparent cause, consider whether the house has become a stressful environment.
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How to Manage Shedding for Huskies?
Some of the most effective ways to control excessive shedding in Huskies are as follows.

Although Huskies appear to be a high-maintenance type of dog, they require the least amount of care among double-coated breeds, making this process seem intimidating. Try to establish a regimen for brushing your Husky if you own one. You should brush a Husky’s coat once a week in non-shedding seasons. On the other hand, daily brushing ought to be used to avoid the buildup of dead fur.
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Avoid Shaving

Husky coats should never be shaved. The future shedding of your Husky’s fur cannot be prevented by shaving or trimming its coat. The double coat regulates a Husky’s body temperature, and if you trim or shave it, the coat will just turn into matting, a tangled mess.
An undercoat that has been clipped or shaved may outgrow it because of how rapidly it grows. Huskys are shielded from the heat of the sun by their thick overcoat. A husky may become hot in the summer if matting occurs.
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Since their coats don’t create a lot of extra oil, huskies often don’t need to be bathed frequently. Huskies lose the natural oils contained in their coats when they wash regularly, which can lead to dry skin and other skin issues. They require a bath once every three to four months as a result.
If a husky needs a bath, only a gentle, natural, or de-shedding husky shampoo should be used. Apply and vigorously rub the shampoo into your dog’s coat. Make sure that there is no remaining shampoo or conditioner by rinsing thoroughly multiple times. Brush the coat to eliminate clumps and matting while it’s still moist.
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