According to Statista, there are 67,000 pet dogs in Denmark and these many dogs cannot be left untrained. Dog commands are essential for the proper training of your pooch and this will allow your pooch to become your favorite pet helping you make a strong bond with your pooch. If you are residing in Denmark, the following are some Danish dog commands that can help you live a serene life with your pup.
Danish Dog Commands
Learning Danish dog commands and training your dog in this language can be fun. CanineHq explains 4P’s (praise, practice, prevention, and patience) that are prerequisites for training a dog. Here are some basic Danish dog commands to start your pooch’s training.

This is the basic dog command which means ‘sit’ and it is the foundation of many other dog commands. Do try this with your pooch to make him/her understand you better.
Sit command can be taught through various methods. Luring, praising, and orders can be used in this regard. If your dog sits naturally, praise and offer him/her a treat as a reward. Repeat this exercise several times while saying the word ‘Sidde’. Otherwise, hold a treat in your palm and show it to your pooch. Lift your hand above your dog’s head so that he has to reach out for the treat. This will encourage your dog to sit and if he/she does that offer a treat as a reward.
This command means you are asking your dog to ‘Stand’. Dogs are curious creatures and can perform several mischievous actions. Suppose you’ve bathed them and then they decide to sit in muddy water. This is something that you wouldn’t like.
To solve your problem you can use the following method presented by The Spruce Pets. Hold a treat in front of your canine’s nose. Move the treat towards you and say Stå (stand) loudly. If he/she follows the instruction, give a reward. Keep on practicing to excel in it.

Confirmation is a prominent part of our daily life. If you want to say ‘yes’ to a particular behavior of your pooch you can use the term ‘Ja’.
This ‘Ja’ command can be helpful while teaching other commands. For instance, you are training your dog to sit in the Danish language. Before rewarding them just say ‘Ja’ (yes) and shake your head in avowal.
Training is all about appreciating right behavior and discouraging wrong conduct. If you want to say ‘No’ in the Danish language, you can say ‘Nej’.
Gallant provides you tried and tested methodology to train your dog in this command. You will be needing to put your dog on a leash first. Then, put some food on the ground, walk towards it and then stop. If he/she tries to eat it, pull the leash and say ‘Nej’, show him/her your finger, and say ‘Nej’. After his/her obedient conduct, give a treat.

This command means ‘come’ in the Danish language. This command is very helpful especially when your dog is not on a leash.
How will you train your dog effectively? All you need to do is put your dog on the leash and stand in front of him/her. Call your dog by saying ‘Havad’ (come). If he/she listens to you, you have an edge in teaching. Otherwise, pull the leash, say the command, and show him/her the food. If your pooch obeys you, you should give him/her a treat as a reward.
Gå Til Dit Sted
In the Danish language, Gå til dit sted means ‘Go to your place’. This command is often used when you are busy and want your dog to go to his/her place (crate/kennel).
According to Robert Carbal, this command can be taught by using some treats. Place the treats at your pooch’s place then ask him/her to go to the place by saying ‘Ga til dit sted’. If he/she obeys, keep on rewarding him/her.
Slippe Den

This dog command means ‘drop it’ and is used when you want your dog to leave something. Let’s suppose you are walking outside with your dog and he picks something up. If that is the case, you can command him/her to drop that thing. You can use this command at that time.
Gallant explains an effective method to train your dog for this command which will require two identical toys. Take one toy in your hand and give the other one to your pooch. Drop your toy and demand the same behavior from your pooch. Say loudly ‘slippe den’ while dropping the toy. If he/she repeats after you then give him/her some playtime.
Vend Rundt
This Danish command means ‘turn around. You can use it whenever you are playing with your dog in the swimming pool or you are on a walk.
This one is tricky because your canine is usually hyperactive during these situations therefore, taming your dog is difficult. Having said that, Vetstreet talks about a strategy that can be used for teaching this command. Hold the treat in your hand, smaller dogs can be entertained by feeding-spoon. Move the treat in a desirable direction and say Vend Rundt (turn around). Now repeat this and keep on changing the directions. Your pooch will learn eventually what is going on. Next time you can give him/her this command and reward your pup for obedience.

Does your dog bark a lot and you are upset about it? Do not worry as this command can help you out. This Danish command means ‘quiet’ and can be quite helpful for you if you are taking a nap.
This one can be taught by ordering your pooch to speak. When he/she starts speaking, ask your pooch to stop barking by saying the command ‘Rolig’ loudly and show your palm to your dog to stop him/her. Reward your pup for following you.
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