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Can Dogs Eat Eggs and Rice?

White bowl full of white rice with sunny side egg on top

“Can Dogs Eat Eggs?” This simple question has really turned into a myth due to several misconceptions. Some people believe that eggs are a little too high on cholesterol while others think that they can cause biotin deficiency. There is no scientific evidence to back these claims. Therefore, dogs CAN eat cooked/boiled eggs (without salt, butter, and other additives) as useful dietary supplements.

The combination of eggs and rice can be a healthy meal for your dogs. We know that rice carry a lot of carbohydrates that are responsible for providing your pet with energy. On the other hand, eggs are probably the most complete source of proteins. In addition to the essential amino acids, eggs also provide a number of vital nutrients including Vitamin A, Folate, and Iron.

Can I Feed My Dogs Eggs and Rice?

bowl of white rice with bowl of boiled eggs on wooden table top

Yes, you can feed your dog eggs and rice. Both these ingredients provide your dog with several vital nutrients that are critical for its good health. Eggs are often regarded as a complete food because they carry proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals.

Carbohydrate is one nutrient that the eggs don’t offer and this is where rice come into the picture. Not only are carbohydrates a source of energy, but they also ensure the effective utilization of proteins.

Better Safe than Sorry

Although eggs are safe for dogs, you must consult a veterinarian before feeding them to your pup. This is important because you need to understand the body requirements of your pet as eggs can cause obesity. Eggs have a lot of fats in them so a proper exercise plan is necessary to keep your dog in good shape.

Can I Feed My Dog Raw Eggs?

raw egg in glass bowl with fork with egg shells beside it on a wooden surface

It is NOT recommended to feed your dog raw eggs because they can make the animal vulnerable to Salmonella. This bacteria can even be found in clean eggs so you shouldn’t take this risk in any circumstances. This rod-shaped bacteria can also affect the parents who feed raw eggs to their dogs. As cooking doesn’t destroy any useful nutrient of eggs, you should always go for a boiled/cooked egg.  

Are Eggshells Good for Dogs?

broken brown egg shells on wooden surface

Not only are eggshells safe for dogs, but they are actually beneficial for your pets. Eggshells are a good source of Calcium and Phosphorus. However, there are better and easier ways (e.g. Calcium Supplements) of providing these minerals.

Eggshells are also a valuable alternative for dogs who can’t chew bones. It’s not necessary to feed fresh eggshells as you can also dry them for later use. Grinding them into a fine powder and sprinkling it on a dog’s meal is an effective method of feeding eggshells.

Risks of Feeding Eggs to your Dogs

cute dog with head resting on paws of wood floor

Even though eggs are generally a safe ingredient for dogs, there are certain risks attached to them. The disease caused by Salmonella is one of them. Some other risks are discussed below.

Biotin Deficiency

A lot of people argue that eggs can cause Biotin Deficiency. Biotin is a type of Vitamin B that is responsible for a dog’s healthy coat and cellular growth.

Basically, egg whites contain a chemical called Avidin, which is a Biotin inhibitor. On the other hand, egg yolks have a lot of Biotin in them. Therefore, the chances of biotin deficiency are extremely rare if you are feeding your dog the entire egg.  

Important Note: The chances of biotin deficiency (as well as Salmonella) can be reduced significantly by cooking.

Enzyme Inhibitors

The presence of enzyme inhibitors in eggs is another reason why people consider them dangerous for dogs. It is probably the most convincing factor in this regard as these inhibitors can interfere with the digestion of your pet. Having said that, all you need to do is to give your pup a well-balanced diet to avoid any complication.

Interestingly, the use of eggs in a balanced meal can be used to treat upset stomachs of dogs. This may make you wonder whether you can feed an egg to your dog on a daily basis. The answer to this question is completely dependent on the size of your pet. Discuss the details with your vet to avoid any side effects.

Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs and Rice?

bowl of scrambled eggs and white rice with mint garnish on blue plaid tea towel on wooden table

 Absolutely YES. Scrambled eggs (without seasonings) and plain rice can be an ideal snack for your dog. Additionally, this homemade recipe is a pretty effective treatment for diarrhea. Actually, it is an easy-to-digest meal that allows your dog’s tummy to solve its issues. In this way, the pet gets the required supply of energy and essential nutrients without eating anything heavy.

A lot of people only resort to this meal when their dogs are ill. However, it can be used as an occasional snack if you can maintain balanced nutrition. ALWAYS remember that you cannot add salt in a dog’s scrambled egg because sodium is harmful to canines.  

Are Eggs and Rice Good for Dogs?

black pug with empty metal food dish in mouth

Eggs are an important source of nutrition as they are packed with several important nutrients. Ranging from amino acids to vitamins and from fatty acids to minerals, they have a number of useful components. The fact that an egg is capable of producing a new chicken is a clear example of its health benefits.

The fat-soluble vitamin A, water-soluble vitamin B12, and Riboflavin improve the skin and coat of your dog. Similarly, these chemicals combine with Iron and Folate to develop stronger bones and teeth. Eggs can also be a useful ingredient for building the muscles of your dog due to the presence of proteins and Selenium.

Despite all these benefits, eggs should NEVER become a primary source of nutrition for your pup. However, they can be used as a supplement meal to a meat-based diet.

Rice is a perfect addition to eggs because they can take care of the remaining nutrients (carbohydrates and fiber). Optimal quantities of fiber ensure a healthy digestive system. Likewise, it can satisfy your dog’s appetite by acting as a filler (safe way to counter obesity).   

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