At the point when your dog eats a mouse, alive or deceased, he guarantees a walk to the veterinary. Mice are raw meat for a dog because of which they get attracted to them. Dogs are prone to various diseases once they get in contact with a mouse or any other rodents. The danger is not the mouse itself, but whether the mouse was poisoned or not. If you find your dog eating a mouse, then without any delay, get in touch with your veterinary.
What to do if your dog eats a dead mouse?
Eating a dead mouse is nothing new for dogs as it is in their DNA. But dogs can be exposed to various infectious diseases like rabies once they eat a mouse or gets bitten by them and if your dog eats a poisoned mouse, it could become life-threatening condition from him.
If you find your dog eating a dead mouse, the first thing that needs to be done is to take the mouse away from him. Use a pair of rubber gloves to remove the mouse from your dogs’ mouth. Now take both your dog and the dead mouse to the vet.
The vet will examine the mouse first to decide whether it has rabies and will suggest the treatment for rabies for your dog.
In future to protect your dog from such diseases, it is crucial that your dog’s rabies shot, and annual booster should be up to date. Rabies can also easily be contracted by dogs from a mouse bite, which is not always visible.
What to do if your dog ate a dead mouse that was poisoned?

Rat poisons are extremely dangerous not only to the mice but also to the dogs. Sadly, there is no home remedy available for it. As soon as you suspect that your dog has eaten a dead mouse, immediately take him to the veterinary without giving it a second thought.
What to do when your dog eats mouse poison?
- Get the poison out of the dog’s stomach by giving one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide helps to make your dog vomit in an emergency which helps to get out the poison from his body. At this point, contact your veterinarian for additional guidance.
- Different brands of mouse poison work in different ways. Check the rat poison box you are using. It will highlight to you all the instruction on how to use it and how it functions.
Symptoms of rat poison in dogs

- Gas in stomach
- Vomiting
- Stomach Bloating
- Fainting
- Liver Damage
- Weakness
- Bleeding from nose, gums or in the stools.
Infections spread by a mouse
A mouse can truly harm your dog. Apart from rabies, there are other infections that are transmitted by mice.
- Mice fever is transmitted from scratching or gnawing by a mouse or from contact with a dead mouse.
- Lymphocytic placentitis is transmitted from the house mouse and spreads to your dog through rat pee.
- Another infection that can be transferred from a mouse to dog through their skin is Leptospirosis.
- Mice carry hemorrhagic fever with kidney disease and are transmitted through blood, urination, or defecation.
Does your dog eat crazy things? What should you do if your dog eats a condom? Learn more here.
How to prevent your dog from eating mouse again?

Regardless of whether you have of a small dog or large dog, it is difficult to keep your dog away from the mouse. Therefore there few things you can do to prevent your dog from eating mouse again.
- It is important to provide necessary training to your dog as the training may save them. each your dog the command to “leave it.” This phrase teaches your dog to drop whatever is in its mouth. “Leave it” also attempts to keep your dog from inserting the mouse into its mouth.
- Also avoid having mouse poison on your property, if you are forced to use them, place them where your dog cannot reach or keep your dog away from it as long as the poison is on your property.
- Keeping storage spaces clean, eliminating all garbage regularly, and placing dog and human food in a different airtight container. It will help to prevent mice from coming near the food. If you use rat poison in the backyard or play with your dog in areas where rat poison is, always keep a close watch on your dog.
- If there are a lot of mice in your house, then you can purchase a mouse trap which is more humane for mice and is reusable. There are different types of no-kill mouse traps available in the market. It will also protect your dog from coming into contact with dangerous toxins found in rat poison. If you are lucky enough to catch a mouse in one of these traps, then instead of killing them, you can release them into open fields far from your home.
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