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Help! My Dog is Scooting After Pooping

Rear half of a dog laying on a wooden deck

Scooting is one of the ways in which canines communicate. It is not just another behavioral issue, but your dog is trying to tell you that something’s wrong. The common reasons for scooting include anal gland issues, constipation, and worms. It is important to determine the underlying reason for this unusual behavior because some of these causes can be dangerous.

Firstly, you should examine the bottom of your pup and look for signs of irritation, (redness, swelling, etc.). If you find none of these, there could an internal problem, like constipation. In this case, you must visit your vet to find out the problem that is making your dog uncomfortable.   

Dog Scooting Bottom on Floor After Pooping

There are different reasons that can make your dog scoot his/her butt on the floor after defecating. The most common among them is that the puppy is not forming a firm stool. This could be the result of a dietary issue or the pup is suffering from impacted anal glands.

If there is a dietary problem, it is quite likely that the dog cannot tolerate an ingredient from his/her food. You can improve this situation by switching to the dog food that has fewer filler ingredients. Alternatively, use fiber-rich ingredients in your homemade recipes to regulate bowel movements. On the other hand, if there is an issue with anal glands, you will need the advice of a veterinarian.

Other than that, your puppy may be scooting because of the matting in the butt area. It is critical to keep the hair short around this part of your dog’s body to keep him/her comfortable. Many canines hate the feel of poop against their bottom fur and scooting helps them to reduce irritation. In addition to trimming the hair, you can also use baby wipes to clean your pooch.

Symptoms of Scooting in Dogs

Hind view of a corgi standing on a grass path.

Although scooting itself is a symptom of an underlying problem, some other signs are also linked with this behavior. They help you to identify that your dog has been scooting even if he/she does that in your absence. These symptoms are as follows:

  • Matted fur in the anal area
  • Worms or white specks on the bottom
  • Biting or licking the butt area
  • Foul odor from the affected area

What are the Causes of Scooting in Dogs?

Hind view of dog laying in front of window.

There are many reasons that can make your dog scoot but the most common ones among them are explained below. 

Anal Gland Problems

The anal sacs are attached internally on both sides of your dog’s butt. These glands produce a smelly substance that helps canines to communicate with each other. These sacs irritate your pooch if they are not expressed regularly. This is an extremely uncomfortable condition that can become even more serious if the anal glands are infected or abscessed.

These anal sacs swell into a thick, pasty material that doesn’t allow the stool to pass. In extreme cases, these swollen glands can burst, which spreads the infection to other parts of the body.


intestinal worms on a wooden surface.

The presence of worms (in your dog’s butt) causes a lot of itch and discomfort to your pup. The puppy tries to relieve the problem by scooting as it eases the itch for a short while.  

Digestive Issues

Both constipation and diarrhea can lead to scooting. If the dog is suffering from diarrhea, the watery stool will not be able to express the anal glands. Consequently, they will become overfull and might swell. Similarly, if the pup is not defecating regularly, the anal glands will not be emptied frequently.


close up of human hand showing tumor on a furry dog

Several different tumors can develop in the anal area of dogs, like skin tumor and perianal tumors. Similarly, anal sac adenocarcinoma can also result in scooting.

How to Treatment Scooting in Dogs?

rear half of a corgi laying on a yellow background

The treatment of this problem is dependent on solving the underlying cause. For this reason, it is vital to diagnose the main reason and eliminate it to stop your dog from scooting. The following are some of the treatments that are generally used to treat this condition.


This method is commonly used if your pooch is suffering from an infection. In addition to the antibiotic injection, the vet may also prescribe a medicine to relieve the pain. Similarly, he/she may also advise you to switch to high-fiber dog food to prevent the problem from recurring.

This technique is also beneficial for your dog if he/she is scooting due to worms. The exact medication is decided after verifying the type of worm that is troubling your pet.

Anal Gland Expression

Chihuahua having anal glands expressed in vet setting

If the dog is scooting due to the lack of anal gland expression, the vet may express the sacs manually. For this purpose, he/she will apply some pressure on the outside of each anal gland. This will make your pup comfortable as the material will be released from the sacs.

Additionally, the vet will also treat the underlying cause (diarrhea or constipation) that led to insufficient anal gland expression.


This technique is only used for treating extreme cases, like the presence of tumors. In some cases, the vet may refer you to a veterinarian surgeon to avoid complications. Usually, these surgeries are not very dangerous because they don’t involve many risks. If the removed tumor is cancerous, the dog may also have to undergo chemotherapy.    

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