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Is Garlic Powder Bad for Dogs?

Wooden bowl of garlic powder next to bulbs of garlic on a wooden table

Yes, garlic powder is considered bad for dogs because of its harmful effects. Although it is less toxic than other members (onion, etc.) of the Allium family, garlic does contain thiosulfate. This compound causes oxidative damage to the red blood cells of your dog that will ultimately result in hemolytic anemia. Keep reading to know more about the toxicity of garlic powder.     

How Much Garlic Powder is Toxic to Dogs?

Most experts believe that 15 grams of garlic per kilogram of body weight are toxic for dogs. According to an estimate, an average clove of garlic weighs around 4-7 grams. This means that eating 2-3 cloves of garlic will make your pup sick. However, some dogs are more sensitive than others and it’s highly recommended to avoid this ingredient, completely.

Garlic powder is the most dangerous form of this plant because it is made from dehydrated garlic. This means that even the smallest quantity of garlic powder can be bad for dogs. According to iPupster, ¼ teaspoon of powdered garlic is equivalent to 1 clove of garlic. This calculation means that even ½ teaspoon of garlic powder can be extremely dangerous for your pooch.

Symptoms of Garlic Poisoning

Jack Russell Terrier with its eyes closed and its head laying in a childs hand.

The following are some of the most common signs of garlic toxicity.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritated gums and teeth
  • Drooling
  • Increased heart rate
  • Lethargy

NOTE: The exact symptoms of poisoning will depend on your dog’s size and the amount of garlic consumed.

How to Treat Garlic Poisoning in Dogs?

The front arm of a husky with an IV line in it.

Early detection and prompt attention are essential for minimizing the harmful effects of garlic poisoning. Not only will it keep your pooch safe, but it will also help in avoiding secondary health problems. Therefore, if you feel that your pup has eaten garlic powder, you must contact your vet immediately.

The first step is usually to induce vomiting and you should only do it yourself if you have some experience. Otherwise, it’s recommended to take the pet to the veterinary clinic for the best possible care. Sometimes, IV fluids are also used to prevent dehydration.

Once at the clinic, the vet will also monitor your pooch for signs of anemia. In extreme cases, a canine may need a blood transfusion to counter the effects of poisoning. When the vet is confident that the garlic is completely removed from your pup’s system, he/she will be sent home. However, you may have to follow some precautionary instructions for a few days.   

Can Dogs Eat Garlic Bread?

Basket of toasted garlic bread on a white washed/ distressed table

Garlic bread is an enticing commodity for any dog but you must keep your canine companion away from it. This is because it contains several harmful ingredients (other than garlic) that can upset your dogs’ stomach. For example, oil, butter, and different herbs (that are found in garlic bread) can lead to gastrointestinal issues. In addition to that, garlic bread is a high-calorie food that will result in obesity and offers no nutritional value. 

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