Turkey leftovers? When you and your family have had enough of eating turkey, or perhaps you purchased a ground turkey to use in place of ground beef in the recipes that you prepare, the one idea that might cross your mind is to give it to your dog to eat and now you are thinking of feeding it to your pet. This is one idea that might cross your mind. That is preferable to letting it rot away in the refrigerator where you keep your food.
The cooked ground turkey can then be used in a variety of different dishes as leftovers. The most obvious solution is to give it to your pet to eat. But is it safe to feed your dog cooked ground turkey? Yes, it is due to the fact that a significant number of dog food manufacturers use turkey as a primary ingredient in the products they sell for dogs.
If they are able to feed your pet turkey, you should have no problem doing the same. However, it’s possible that your dog won’t enjoy the turkey preparation that you use.
Want to cook a home cooked meal for your dog? Check out our post ” How Do You Cook Plain Ground Turkey for Dogs?” for some great turkey recipes for dogs.
Can You Give Cooked Ground Turkey to Dogs?
Yes, you are allowed to do so; however, in your creativeness when preparing meals, you need to be careful about the spices and herbs that you use to make the great-tasting meal. There is only a very slight distinction between ground turkey and ground beef.
It has a lower sodium content, fewer calories, and less fat, but it has a lower total amount of grams of iron and protein. The good news is that both of these categories are only marginally distinguishable from ground beef. That’s great for the harmful ingredients in meat, but not so much for the healthier ingredients in either meat.
It is important to remember that when you are preparing a turkey for your dog to eat, you should not include a lot of salt, fatty ingredients, or spices that could be harmful to your pet. To give one specific illustration, butter of any kind should under no circumstances be applied to the turkey.
The turkey dinner that you give your dog should not include any spices, and pepper is just one of them. It is best to only give your dog turkey in its most natural form. This way, you can rest assured that your cooking did not contribute in any way to an upset stomach or other illness.
Is Ground Turkey Good for Dog Food?

First, buying turkey is usually good for your budget. Most often, unless around thanksgiving, Easter, or Christmas where turkey is in demand, the ground turkey will cost less than ground beef.
You can buy more turkey to make sure your food budget stretches a little further. Second, ground turkey is about as nutritious as ground beef. The slight differences are too huge so you can safely feed it to your dog.
But serve it plain to be on the safe side of his or her health. Additional ingredients may be safe for you to eat but dogs are different, and those same ingredients can cause them pain, discomfort, and so on.
Turkey is an essential ingredient in many dog food options. It is healthy, tastes good, and is easy to prepare. Plus, it is as healthy as beef or chicken, so your dog is not missing out on any essential nutrients.
Is Turkey Better Than Chicken for Dogs? Click here to find out.
Is Ground Turkey Good for Dogs Every Day?

You certainly can, but there are times when doing so is not the best course of action. This is not because we believe that feeding your pet an excessive amount of turkey will be harmful to their health. Because eating an excessive amount of turkey can cause your dog to become overweight.
In order to avoid this issue, you will need to keep careful track of how much you feed him or her on a daily basis. It is also important to note that providing turkey with food that contains supplemental ingredients on an occasional basis might be acceptable, but this should not be done on a daily basis.
Those components of the food that your dog does not tolerate well can accumulate and lead to a variety of adverse health effects. The following should not be included in the turkey that is given to your dog: bones, onions, garlic, spices, and the skin of the turkey.
Your pet should not consume the fat or seasoning found in the skin because it is not good for their health. Dogs should never consume bones because they present a number of health risks, including the potential for suffocation.
Is Ground Turkey Good on Dogs’ Stomachs?

It is acceptable to feed your dog plain turkey, and your pet should not have any digestive issues as a result of consuming this meat. Unless this is the first or second time that you have given your dog this meat.
When it comes to trying new foods, the stomachs of dogs can be sensitive, so be prepared for your pet to throw up whatever you feed them after a short period of time. If this is the first time you have given your pet turkey, you should incorporate it into their regular diet in small amounts. This will help you avoid a messy situation.
Turkey bones are yet another item that should never be given to your canine companion. This is due to the fact that it is possible for your pet to develop any one of the following health problems:
- Injuries to the mouth and the tongue
- Blockage of the esophagus or the intestinal tract
- Chocking
- It is possible for bone fragments to puncture the lining of the stomach and the intestines.
- Constipation
Does Turkey Meat Make Dogs Tired? Click here to learn more.
How Much Ground Turkey Should I Feed My Dog?

A good rule of thumb is to practice moderation in all aspects of life. It’s possible that your dog is begging for more of your turkey because it smells and tastes so good. When you say no, however, you must maintain your strength and not give in to the temptation to look into those puppy dog eyes.
Feed your dog just the right amount, but don’t overdo it. You do not want to put your pet in danger of developing obesity-related diseases like diabetes and joint pain. If something like that does occur, you should prepare yourself to pay some hefty medical bills.
It is fine to give your dog turkey, but the portions should not be too small unless you have a very small dog. The size of the portions you feed your dog will be determined by a number of factors, including the breed and size of your dog. But even large dogs can get fat.
One more point to make: Make sure that the turkey is fully cooked before you give it to your pet at any time. Turkeys are similar to chickens in that the meat of both can harbor bacteria and other pathogens that are harmful to humans and dogs.
Keeping this information in mind, you should never give your dog raw turkey. Always make sure that it is cooked all the way through, just like pork, to ensure that there are no uncooked areas in the portion that you are giving to your friend. Always cooking the meat ensures that it is safe for consumption.
Some Final Words

If you want to give your dog turkey, make sure to always serve it cooked and plain. Turkey is safe for dogs to eat. When it comes to doing this, those are the two key components. Due to the fact that their digestive systems are not the same as ours, dogs need to have the majority of their food cooked before it can be given to them.
It’s not always the case that what’s good for you is also good for your pet.
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Please note: We are not veterinarians and you use our advice at your own discretion. We always recommend that you consult your veterinarian whenever you have health-related conditions your furbaby is facing. With that in mind, as pet parents ourselves, we wish nothing but the best for your pet and their healthy and happy lives.