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7 Japanese Dog Commands

Japanese child sitting on the grass next to a Shiba Inu

Owning a dog is a great responsibility and so is his/her training. Dog commands are the backbone of every training because they allow you to control your pup. An amazing aspect of these commands is that they can be taught in different languages, like Japanese dog commands.

According to The Guardian, Japan is one of those countries where dogs are trained with a lot of enthusiasm. This is why there are numerous dog commands in the Japanese language. Let’s discuss some Japanese dog commands that can be quite helpful for training your pooch.

7 Japanese Dog Training Commands

The following are the most common dog training commands in the Japanese language.


Puppy sitting in tall dead grass

The term ‘Osuwari’ can be used to teach the ‘sit’ command to your dog. By using this command, you can make your dog sit on his back legs and hips.

Simply, hold the treat in your hand and bring it in front of your dog’s nose. Then, slowly move your hand up from the muzzle to between his/her eyes. Always keep the treat closer to your dog’s face while moving it. This will allow him/her to keep the focus on the treat.

When your dog tilts his/her head to follow the movement of the treat, his/her hind body will move down. As soon as his/her hips touch the ground, reward your pup with a treat. Practice this trick with the command, “Osuwari!”, and your dog will eventually learn to obey you without treats.


Human hand held out telling a dog to stay - in a grass field.

Mate is the Japanese equivalent for the ‘stay’ command. It is an extension of the sitting gesture as you ask your dog to hold the position for a while. For teaching this command, start by asking your dog to sit (Osuwari command). If your dog is familiar with the Japanese sit command, you won’t need a treat for this part.

Maintain strong eye contact with your dog to keep his/her focus on you. If he/she holds the sitting position for even a second or two, appreciate the effort and reward with a treat. Practice this again and again while incrementing the time for which your pup ‘stays’. Once your canine companion is holding the position for a considerable time, start adding distance between yourself and the dog.


Pug running to owner who is squatting down in the grass surrounded by trees

Oide is known as ‘come’ or ‘recall’ in English. In this command, you teach your dog to follow or approach you by leaving whatever he/she is doing. It’s highly advisable to start the training for this command while you are indoors. This is because your dog feels comfortable inside his/her territory and won’t stick to you all the time.

For this training, choose a time when your pooch is busy doing something. Stand a few yards away from him/her and squat down. Then, open your arms in a welcoming manner while holding a treat in your hand. Simultaneously, say “Oide!” in a clear voice to call your furry friend.

If your dog starts advancing towards you, praise him/her verbally for the good work. On the other hand, if he/she starts straying away, immediately stop praising and start over. When he/she comes all the way to you, praise and reward him/her with a treat. You may have to practice a lot to cement this behavior.


Beagle running in a grass covered yard with a yellow ball in its mouth

Mottekoi is the same as the ‘fetch’ command. It is one of the most playful commands in which your dog ‘fetches’ the ball or Frisbee you throw. It is good to use a long flexible leash while training this command because your pup will need to move back and forth.

Start with the ‘Osuwari’ command to make your dog sit on the floor. Once your pooch settles on the ground, throw the ball away and say ‘Mottekoi’. When the dog has the ball in his/her mouth, you can also use, ‘Oide!’ to call him/her. As soon as your dog brings you the ball, praise him/her and give a treat.


German Shepherd covering it's nose with it's paw while owner fusses and points a finger because the dog ripped up paper

Dame or “no!” is a life savior command for dogs. You can protect your dog from any activity that can have harmful results. For example, you can stop your pup from swallowing poisonous things or jumping onto the furniture.

Start from the normal sit command. Hold the harmful object in your hand and make sure that your dog can see it. As soon as he/she tries to get it from you, say “Dame!” in a loud and clear voice. Even if he/she pauses for a second, immediately award him/her with a delicious treat. Start encouraging longer pauses and practice until your dog completely refrains from getting that object.


Long haired brown and white dog standing on a leash next to owner

Tachi or ‘stand’ command is a really important dog command. It helps you a lot while you are visiting the vet or the groomer. This is because it is easier to examine a dog in a standing position.

For teaching this dog command, start by making your dog sit. Hold a treat near your dog’s muzzle, and then slowly move it back towards you. Say “Tachi!” while moving the treat back. This will trigger your dog to get back on all four legs to get the treat. As soon as he/she stands up, reward him/her with the treat. Keep practicing daily for getting the best possible results.


Jack Russell Terrier in the outdoors standing on hind legs and begging

Chinchin or ‘beg’ is an amazing command to teach to your dog. In this command, you make your dog sit on his/her hips while both the front paws are in the air. Start the training from the sitting gesture and hold the treat closer to your dog’s nose. Allow him/her to sniff the treat, but make sure that he/she doesn’t succeed in eating it.

Now say “Chinchin!” and gradually move your hand away from your dog. Keep doing that until he/she lifts his/her paws from the ground. As soon as both front paws come off the ground, give your pup the treat. This command requires a lot of patience and practice.

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