Dog owners use a variety of commands to teach their canine companions some basic manners. These commands can be trained in various languages and Hebrew is one of them. If you hail from Israel or own an Israeli dog breed, Hebrew dog commands are the best for you.
Hebrew Dog Commands
The following are some of the most popular Hebrew dog commands that will help you to train your dog properly.

This command is used to make your dog ‘sit’. For teaching the Shev command, place a treat on the floor in front of your dog (in a sitting position). Allow your pooch to smell it before slowly lifting the treat up. The dog will follow the smell of the treat, but won’t be able to get it in the sitting position.
At this moment, say the word “Shev” and give the treat to your pup to complete the session. Keep repeating this exercise regularly to make it your dog’s permanent habit.
Artza (Artzah)

This Hebrew dog command is used to make your dog ‘lay-down’. To start the training, hold a treat in your hand and let your dog sniff it. Then, slowly move your hand in the direction of the floor and move it alongside the floor. This will allow your dog to follow you while lying down.
Now, say the command “Artza” and give the treat to your pup. This dog command can help you to discipline your dog during mealtime.

This command is used to make your dog ‘stand’. For training this command, your dog must be in the sitting position. You can use the “Shev” command to make him/her sit.
Once the dog is in position, take a treat close to your dog’s nose and let him/her smell it. Now, gently pull your hand in the upward direction and your pooch will chase the treat. Say “Amod” as soon as he/she stands up and offer the treat to your dog to finish the training.

This Hebrew command is used to stop your dog from doing something wrong. Start the training by placing a treat on the ground and take a few steps towards it. This will give an impression (to your dog) that you are moving in the direction of the treat. This will encourage your canine friend to take the treat before you reach it.
At this instant, say “Lo” to stop your dog from indulging in unacceptable behavior. If he/she obliges, give him/her the treat. It is one of the most important Hebrew dog commands because it eliminates the bad behavior of your pup.

This command is used to make your pup ‘stay’. Your canine should be familiar with the “Shev” command to learn this instruction.
Bring a treat close to the nose of a sitting dog and say the word “He’sha’er”. Then, take a few steps away from your pup and allow him/her to wait for a few seconds. If he/she stays in place, make sure to reward the dog for the good behavior.
Otherwise, you can use “Lo” command to correct his/her behavior. Regular exercise of this training is very important for proper learning. This Hebrew dog command is extremely helpful to teach self-control to energetic dogs.
Ragly (Ragli)

This Hebrew dog command is usually known as ‘Heel’ in English. For teaching this command, you will put your dog on a leash. Hold the leash in one hand and some treats in the other. Say“Ragly” in a strong tone so that your pooch can listen to your message.
After taking some steps, use the “Shev” command to make your dog sit and give him/her a treat. This command is used when we want our dog to walk right next to us.

This command is usually used to replace the ‘come back’ command in English. Put your pooch on a leash and say “Aylai” to call your dog back to you. Also, give a small tug to the leash to make the command clearer. When your pup comes towards you, appreciate him/her with a treat. It is a very valuable dog command because it keeps your pup safe from possible troubles.

This command is quite popular because it is used in place of ‘Fetch’. Grab the favorite toy of your pet in one hand and let him/her sniff it. Now, throw the toy a few meters away and tell your dog “Ta’vi”. This will explain to the pup to fetch the toy. This Hebrew dog command is mostly used while playing the fetch game. Sometimes, it is also used when you want your canine friend to get something for you.

This command is usually used to send your dog to his/her place. Start the training by holding a treat in your right hand and the leash in the left hand (or vice versa). Then, encourage your furry friend to go towards his/her bed by yanking the leash and saying the word “Lamakom”. Rewarding good behavior with a treat can make it easier to learn.
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