Ticks are feared not those tics that are facial expressions or sudden body movements. Those are freaky enough but, thankfully, they do not come with the fear of germs or illness.
When you have a dog with a tick, you should remove it as quickly as possible. Those ticks do come with germs and bacteria that can be harmful to your pet. That is one reason why you do not leave ticks in your animal for a long period of time.
But if it does happen, keep reading to find out what to do. There will be times when a tick stays on your dog for longer than it should.
What do you know about using Brewer’s Yeast for dogs ticks? Click here to learn more.
How Long Will a Tick Stay on a Dog?

This will depend on the tick stage the little creature is in. There are three stages to tick life and they all attach to dogs for different time periods.
- Tick Larva- Stays attached for approx. 3 days
- Tick Nymph- Stays attached for 5 days approx.
- Tick Adult- Can stay attached to your dog for up to 10 days
Of course, the longer the attachment, the more chances that the tick will transmit disease or germs. The faster you remove them the better your dog’s odds of remaining healthy.
The tick stays on long enough to fully feed themselves. Once full they drop off and then move on to the next stage in their lives. Or they may simply lay their eggs and die.
What Should I Do If I Find a Tick On My Dog? Click here to learn more.
What Happens When You Do Not Remove a Tick from Your Dog?

If it has been in the same place for 24 hours, the result is that the tick will be on your dog long enough to transmit the disease. This is about the only side effect a tick has on a dog.
The germs do not come immediately so you have time to remove the animal quickly before this takes place. The problem is that a tick or tick infestation can be on your dog for some time and your dog will not show any signs of infection, even though they were infected.
The way to know if your dog has Lyme or some other disease is to get them to your vet and have a blood test taken.
How To Get Rid of Ticks from Your Dog

There are several steps you can do and there are different methods you can use. This is just one method for you to try:
Check Your Dog for Ticks
Look for red, black, or tan eggs or adults, etc. Look through their fur and the folds of their skin.
Use Tweezers or a Tick Removal Tool
You will want to grab the tick as close to your dog’s skin as possible. Once you have a good grip pull straight out. Do not twist as that helps break the tick and leave part of it inside your pet.
Dispose Of the Tick
Put it in the garbage, flush it down the toilet or put it in alcohol and a baggie to get rid of it.
If Lyme Disease Has Been Transmitted
Your vet will have some very good treatment options you can follow.
Of course, prevention is the best method to use. Try to find the best tick protection product possible and use it on your pet. Keeping the ticks away will help keep your dog healthy.
Top Tick Removal Tools

There are a variety of items you can use to remove ticks safely from your pet. Here is a list of the ones you can use, and you do not have to spend a lot of money to get them. It pays to have more than one in your home just in case.
- Tweezers
- Nail clippers
- Bottle openers
- Paper clip
- Safety pin
- Toothpick
You may find some different tick removal tools at your pet store. They should be just as helpful as these. Some people have successfully used burnt matches to remove the tick.
The heat of the match when placed directly on the rear of the tick, has them removing themselves from your pet. This is more of a last gasp measure if the tick you are trying to remove is stubborn.
Also, if part of the tic remains, there is little you can do to remove it. Let nature take its course and let the dog’s body expel it for you. Don’t try to dig it out as the extra wound you create can get infected as well.
Some Final Words

Keeping ticks away from your dog is vital to its health and longevity. It doesn’t take long to check for ticks and remove them. Just use the right tools and do it as quickly as possible.
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