A dog-friendly garden does not sacrifice beauty, but it must be landscaped in such a way that your furry companion can access it. There are a few species of trees that are dog friendly, especially in the United Kingdom. These trees are beneficial for your canine because they lift your dog’s mood and are good for their mental health.
Dog-Friendly Trees in the UK
According to ASPCA, the following are some of the most preferred trees for your dog (in the UK).
Amur Maple

The scientific name for Amur Maple is Acer ginnala. It reaches a height of twenty feet. These trees are widely distributed due to the stunning color of their buds in the fall. They turn a brilliant crimson in the autumn before collapsing. Amur Maple is safe for domestic pets and dogs, who will appreciate its grandeur.
Crepe Myrtle

Lagerstroemia is the scientific name for these trees that are often grown in colder parts of the country. This species is easy to maintain because it can be kept very thin by daily pruning. The beauty of Crepe Myrtle is often enhanced by its exquisite bark. These solid, durable trees provide a safe environment for your dog because they are not toxic for them.

The scientific name for this tree is Cornus florida. The dogwood tree is a species of rich hardwood forests and is liked for its unrivaled grace. These evergreen trees are also well-suited for residential gardens because they require less maintenance. They are also perfectly appropriate for dogs, making them the perfect pick for your backyard.
Honey Locust

Gleditsia triacanthos is the scientific name for this endemic to Central North American species. The tree grows until it reaches a height of about 30 meters. It thrives in humid river valleys, but it can also adapt to other environments. Honey Locust is safe for your dog and can be planted in your backyard.
Red Maple

The red maple is scientifically known as Acer rubrum. It is also called Swamp Maple, Scarlet Maple, Curled Maple, and Soft Maple. It is one of the most abundant and ubiquitous deciduous trees in eastern and central North America.
Red maple is frequently employed as a shade tree in landscapes due to its gorgeous fall colors and pleas form. When fully grown, it can reach a height of around 30 meters (100 ft). It has red blooms, petioles, twigs, and seeds in varying degrees. This dog-friendly tree is most recognized for its spectacular deep scarlet leaves in the autumn.

Morus is a genus of flowering plants in the Moraceae family. This family includes several deciduous trees that are generally known as mulberries. These trees can be found in wild as well as in cultivation in several different climates. Mulberry trees have three well-known species and each of them is named after the color of their fruit (white, red, and black mulberry).
Mulberries can reach a height of 24 meters (80 feet). Mulberry fruit is a multiple, about 2–3 centimeters in length. White, green, or pale yellow are the colors of immature fruits. The fruit turns from pink to red while ripening, then dark purple or black, and has a sweet flavor when fully ripe.
Your dog can eat ripe mulberries. So if your canine is around the mulberry tree, do not refrain him/her from enjoying it because it is safe for your dog.
Silver Bell

The scientific name for silverbell or snowdrop tree is Halesia Carolina. It is a medium-sized tree that can reach a height of 5–20 m (16–66 ft). Silver Bells have simple oval leaves (5–16 cm long and 3–8 cm broad) and produce flowers in spring. They are bell-shaped, come in different colors (white, pale, or pink), and appear in open clusters of 2–6 flowers.
The fruit of this tree is an oblong, dry drupe and this species is included in the list of dog-friendly trees.

The scientific name of this evergreen tree is Ceratonia siliqua. This blooming species is native to the Mediterranean region and is cultivated for its edible pods and seeds. Although it is also used as an aesthetic garden specimen, it is the legume that is commonly referred to as St. John’s bread or locust bean.
Carob trees can survive for over a century. They reach a height of 15 meters and have a trunk girth of up to 3.5 meters. Their leathery leaves are divided into four to five pairs of oval leaflets. The new leaves are golden in color while the mature ones are dark green on top, and light green to grey underneath. This tree can be a good pick for landscaping (for canine owners) because it’s dog-friendly.

The scientific name for the hemlock tree is Tsuga. They are medium- to large-sized evergreen trees with conical or irregular crowns. They grow to a height of 10–60 meters (33–197 ft) as their leading shoots are prone to drooping.
The bark is scaly and highly wrinkled, and it ranges in color from grey to brown. The branches grow horizontally from the trunk and are typically organized in flattened sprays that bend to their tips. Hemlocks are safe for your dog and you shouldn’t worry if you find one during a walk with your canine.
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